Hey loves, so I felt like writing something about this amazing hand cream that I literally can't believe exists. But, instead of just doing a simple review on it I thought I'd also share a bit about my hand care routine. Now this routine I describe isn't stringent, meaning that half the time I don't do it. But you can bet your beautifully polished nails that when my hands are in need of some TLC I turn to this routine and see the benefit automatically. So if you want to see more... Just read on!
First I'm going to start off with the product in the post title and that would be
J. R. Watkins Ultra Rich Hand cream. Have you ever heard of it. I don't know too much about this company But from what I've gathered they stress about natural products being in their ingredients and this is from their site
"... Contains only natural, enviornmentally friendly ingredients from renewable Resources, avoiding chemicals like parabens, sulfates, phthalates, and more..." All in all I like a company that stresses natural products because who wants a load of gunk all of their hands that could potentially be harmful. Uhhh, no one that's who!
Ok so the reason why I'm so in love with this cream is because as those of you who have followed me through winter know I have quite a hand issue. I actually have something called Raynauds phenomenon or syndrome which is a vasospastic Disorder that causes blood flow to become restricted to the fingers and toes. Basically they become discolored, enlarged, and in my case extremely painful. From periods of severe swelling back to normal size the skin on my fingers become very tired and super dry. The skin begins to peel and well its not the prettiest thing. This winter along with using anti-inflammatory drugs I used this hand cream. I immediately felt the difference. My hands stay soft thought multiple hand washes. I go out and come home with the same soft hands I left with. And on top of all that I'm in love with the smell. It's not your typical smell but it sure does tickle my fancy. It smells like clean fresh picked cotton or sheeps wool. Does that make any sense? Anyways love the smell. Impeccable! It doesn't give the hand that nasty oily feel that some lotions do, and this is great for cracked skin so if you have super dry elbows, knees, heels...this should do the trick. And plus this only costs 7.99$ so that's great too. I don't know what stores this is available from but you can order it online directly from their website.
As for my hand care routine what I like to do is a bit different but not tedious at all. I like to start off by cleaning my nails completely, then take my four step nail buffer thing and just using all of the sides on my nails until its all buffed and shiny. Next I use my Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover and remove my cuticles. Next I take jojoba oil and rub it all over my nails. Then I take Vaseline ( the jelly kind) and dab it on the dryer places on my hands and just wait until my skin has naturally absorbed it without rubbing it in too much. Then I take my J. R. Watkins hand cream and smooth it on all over my hands and nails. Finally a bit of cuticle cream and I'm good to go. And I'll do all of those steps when I'm just lying around getting ready for bed. Trust me its a very do-able process. I know that some people use Saran wrap on their hands to lock in the moisture but I hate that stuff it really bothers me and I could never stand it on my skin so what you could do is put on some light gloves and just leave them for a while and that should do the trick, although I don't know where they sell light cotton gloves except in Jordan lol. Maybe I'm wrong.
So that was long, I hope you've enjoyed this. Take cares my pretties!
Xo Naildiva